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One side Torsion; other side O


Is this an example of a razor with a "differential" head? One side different to the other? I don't know the word for this. I have seen torsionshobel/schragscnhitt (like Lutz) where the safety bar has different "foam" spaces, but not where one side is steeper than the other.
(English below)
Es gibt mehrere solche Modelle: der Dopa-W hat eine Seite gerade, die andere Torsion. Maravilla hat eine Seite gerade, die andere gebogen. Kannte das von Brillant bisher noch nicht.
Danke fürs zeigen!

There are several such models: the Dopa-W has ons edge straight, the other slanted. Maravilla have one edge straight, the other curved. Never seen this with a Brillant though.
Thanks for showing!
(English below)
Es gibt mehrere solche Modelle: der Dopa-W hat eine Seite gerade, die andere Torsion. Maravilla hat eine Seite gerade, die andere gebogen. Kannte das von Brillant bisher noch nicht.
Danke fürs zeigen!

There are several such models: the Dopa-W has ons edge straight, the other slanted. Maravilla have one edge straight, the other curved. Never seen this with a Brillant though.
Thanks for showing!
My pleasure. Although it does have a zero stamped on one side, it is still a little bit slanted, but not much.

Thanks for the information about the other types; I'll search for them!!