Forum der Rasur

Registriere Dich jetzt kostenlos!

Dadurch bekommst Du Zugang zu dem geschützten Mitgliederbereich, kannst beim Gebrauchtmarkt mitmachen und stellst nebenbei auch noch sicher, dass niemand Dir Deinen Wunsch-Usernamen wegschnappt.

Forum Weihnachtsgeschenke

Big Thanks for all this Giveaway Pete and Anel!
Also like to say thank you to the Forum for all this fun with the topic.
It get´s interesting more and more and this depends on guys like you...
It COULD be that these items were sent to Anel by Pete. Together with the crucibles for the soap samples.
If that is the case, I will take care of the distribution.
It could only be a matter of weeks... ;)
@Bavaria Blade Anel is in possession of both the Christmas Prizes and the pass around soaps. He and I went through the order yesterday. I'm drafting a document of the winners and the pass around soaps. I'll ask him to do the pass around soaps first. @Schwalbacher
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Package arrived today.
Thank you!!
