Forum der Rasur

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Dadurch bekommst Du Zugang zu dem geschützten Mitgliederbereich, kannst beim Gebrauchtmarkt mitmachen und stellst nebenbei auch noch sicher, dass niemand Dir Deinen Wunsch-Usernamen wegschnappt.

Forum Weihnachtsgeschenke

bin auch dabei

1. links
2. Merkur progress
3. SV argania
4. blood in blood out
5. george michael careless whisper
Count me in :)

1. Scraper you like: left one
2. Razor you like: straight razors! The bigger, the better! :proud
3. Fragrance you like: SV Cubebe (no one all time best -> random choice)
4. Movie you like: Matrix (no one all time best -> random choice)
5. Song you like: Queen - Innuendo (no one all time best -> random choice)
It is time to announce the winners of the Holiday give away. I made an error when I called this a Christmas giveaway since there are probably members in this forum that celebrate different holidays. So the pics below show who won the various prizes. Congratulations to the winners!!! I used the following methodology to determine winners. I copy / pasted everyone's name in a spreadsheet, so a row # is associated with each person's name. I then used a random number generator to choose the number. As you can see, I put the number next to the prize and the winner's name next to that. Some of the prizes have different colors or fragrance (in the case of shave soap. If you won one of these, please post what you would like. Note: I was posting both German and English, but the website translated the German to English which make posts confusing, so I'll just put English.

Thanks so much to all of you. You have made me welcome and I appreciate it.


Moin ihr Lieben,

weiß einer von Euch, wie es nun weiter geht bzw. wie Anel unsere Adressen bekommt (Bavaria Blade)?

Denn Pete schrieb mir, dass er die Adressen nicht benötigt, sondern dass er alles zu Anel sendet und Anel an uns.

Wenn Jemand näheres weiß, gerne hier öffentlich für Alle posten.

Thanks so much to everyone for all the responses! As Christian mentioned, all the prizes will go to Anel shortly, and he'll ship to you. The great response on this forum has been very, very nice. This group loves drawings, so we'll have more of them!!

Also, as shared a while ago, a Forum der Rasur shave bowl is headed to @Bavaria Blade for his kindly handling the samples.
Thanks so much to everyone for all the responses! As Christian mentioned, all the prizes will go to Anel shortly, and he'll ship to you. The great response on this forum has been very, very nice. This group loves drawings, so we'll have more of them!!

Also, as shared a while ago, a Forum der Rasur shave bowl is headed to @Bavaria Blade for his kindly handling the samples.

That sounds great and I am glad that Bavaria Blade gets a nice thank you from you (the fdr shave bowl) for all he did.

Pete, how will Anel get our addresses?

Merry X-mas :xmas_wave :weihnachtsmann_walk :geschenke1

That sounds great and I am glad that Bavaria Blade gets a nice thank you from you (the fdr shave bowl) for all he did.

Pete, how will Anel get our addresses?

Merry X-mas :xmas_wave :weihnachtsmann_walk :geschenke1

Hi Christian, I haven't given much thought to that. Maybe the easiest way would be to ask everyone to send their name, address, email and phone to me via private message.

What do you think?