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Forum Weihnachtsgeschenke

Hi Pete ( @Hendrix Classics & Co. ) and Anel, thank you for the generous giveaway! Your products look to be really high quality. The winners are surely going to enjoy them.

  • Scraper: Are we talking about the soap scoops in the picture? If so, then the pointy one.
  • Razor: Currently LORD L6, but I hope to improve on it soon.
  • Fragrance: Lavender
  • Movie: Back to the Future Trilogy
  • Song: Almost anything by Peter Fox or Seeed

Have a great holiday season!
Scraper: the left
Razor: Merkur Progress
Fragance: Guerlain Vetiver
Movie: True Grit
Song: Led Zeppelin Kashmir
Scraper: the Spade =)
Razor: Rex Supply Co - Ambassador
Fragance: dsquared - green wood
Movie: What Dreams May Come
Song: Genesis - Carpet Crawlers

merry xmas!
Scraper : Both
Razor : Feather AS-D2
Fragrance : Terre d'Hermes
Movie : The Shawshank Redemption
Song : The Unforgiven - Metallica
1. Scraper you like: the left one
2. Razor you like: stando cat claw
3. Fragrance you like: knize ten
4. Movie you like: deadliest roads (documentary series)
5. Song you like: jinjer - judgement (& punishment)
I'll go along this way for the drawing
1. Scraper you like: both
2. Razor you like: Mühle R89
3. Fragrance you like: Prada Rossa Luna Carbon
4. Movie you like: Christmas Vacation
5. Song you like: Sleeping Sun (Nightwish)
I'm in too and my 1-5 answers you know already :weihnachtsmann_walk Merry X-mas!

P. S. Miami nights is my favorite from your soaps :daumenhoch
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