Forum der Rasur

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Forum Weihnachtsgeschenke

Hello Santa Pete. Thanks for this nice idea, that once again shows nicely, how much you care about your customers.

1. Scraper: They both seem pretty practical, but I like the square one on the left better.
2. Razor: Any kind of blue Razor (e.g. Rockwell 6s Blue, RazoRock Babysmooth and Hawk Electric Blue) and as an exception to that I really love my Yaqi Remus
3. Scent: Actually, Your Cosmic Gentleman was my noses (and my wives) favourite discovery this year
4. Movie: Monty Python and the Holy Grail never grows boring for me
5. Song: Live - Iris
6. Forum: FdR
1. Scraper you like : Both
2. Razor you like : razorock MJ 90
3. Fragrance you like : Terre d'Hermès
4. Movie you like : All Quiet on the Western Front
5. Song you like : Paint it black (The Rolling Stones)

Great idea Pete!

Thanks for being so generoes!


1. Scraper: The Bell Ringer (Flat End) - Which is why I bought it, great to scoop out the soap!
2. Razor: Timeless Ti.68
3. Fragrance: "Earnest" - Gentlemans Nod
4. Movie: 12 Angry Men (1957)
5. Song: "Try That In A Small Town" - Jason Aldean

Thanks for the generosity Pete & Anel! In advance a merry merry christmas to both of you as well!
Als ich das Original schrieb, habe ich versehentlich das niederländische Wort für Rasur verwendet. Sie nennen sie Schaber.

Ich sehe so viele Dinge, die mir auch gefallen:

Gillette Slim
Blade Runner
Nicht wahr – Simple Minds
JPG LeMale
Pulp Fiction
Kein Land für alte Männer
Star Trek
Katze Stevens
Dire Straights (Mein Favorit davon ist Skate Away
Herr der Ringe
Chris Stapleton und Luke Combs (Ich lebe in Nashville, TN. Dies ist die Heimat der Country-Musik.
Soul- und Bluesmusik
Stirb langsam
ZZ Top
Monty Python und der Heilige Gral
Der gute der böse und der Hässliche
Der Pate
Little Feat (Little Feat entwickelt sich wirklich zu einem Musikgenre, das ich liebe. Ich mag besonders The Allman Brothers.
Pink Floyd – Angenehm taub
Im Westen nichts Neues
Paint it Black – Rolling Stones (Ich liebe die Rolling Stones)
Versuchen Sie das in einer Kleinstadt – Jason Aldean

When I wrote the original, I accidentally used the Dutch word for rasur. They call them scrapers.

I see so many things that I like as well:

Gillette Slim
Blade Runner
Don't You - Simple Minds
JPG LeMale
Pulp Fiction
No country for old men
Star Trek
Cat Stevens
Dire Straights (My favorite from them is Skate Away
Lord of the Rings
Full Metal Jacket
Chris Stapleton and Luke Combs (I live in Nashville, TN. This is the home of Country Music.
Soul and Blues music
Die Hard
ZZ Top
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
The Godfather
Little Feat (Little Feat is really getting to a music genre I love. I especially like The Allman Brothers.
Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb
All Quiet on the Western Front
Paint it Black - Rolling Stones (I love The Rolling Stones)
Try that in a small town - Jason Aldean
Thank you Pete, very much for the X-Mas presents!

1. Scraper: The triangular one on the right.
2. Razor: Krect Spiral Curve
3. Scent: HC&C Miama Nights / Ralon
4. Movie: Fight Club / Interstellar
5. Song: Architects - These Colours don't run