Forum der Rasur

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Hendrix Classics and Co. - Artisan from the US

Nun mein Testbericht zur HC&C - Gunslinger & Cosmic

Zum Schaum:
Ich muss meine Aussage mit dem "Schaum kommt nicht hoch bei zuviel Wasser"
etwas korregieren. Es kann passieren, muss es aber nicht; dass bei zuviel Wasser
und vor allem zuwenig Seife Schwierigkeiten entstehen den Schaum hervorzubringen.

Es ist hilfreich die RS am Anfang des Aufschaeumens mit etwas weniger Wasser
aufzuschäumen der Schaum kommt so prima gut hoch. Ist der Schaum da, verwaessert
nichts mehr und bleibt prima stabil und das lang anhaltend.
Ob der Schaum weniger feucht oder ordentlich feucht ist, er gibt der
Rasur eine sehr gute Grundlage und das sehr sahnig, recht angenehm.
Gunslinger - Guns sl. & Cosmic

Zum Duft:
Der Gunslinger Duft ist sehr kräftig und bleibt nachhaltig,
Ist mir zu stark und vor allem zu langanhaltend, zudem harmonierte er
wenig mit Düften von AS Balsamen. Die Probe dann offen zum Auslüften
hingestellt, es kamen dann einzelne Kompomenten hervor die ich nicht
näher beschreiben kann. Der Duft wurde angenehm und war auch nicht
mehr lang anhaltend und harmonierte ASB Sebamed.

Der Cosmic ist da dezenter und nicht so anhaftend, dennoch etwas auslüften
tat auch ihr gut. Es kamen Komponenten wie Süsse und Holziges hervor. Für
mich war dieser Duft dann schon recht gut.

Hinweis: Mein Geruchssinn ist nicht der beste und lieber einzelne Düfte
als viele zusammen. Der Duft darf stark sein, sollte aber verfliegen.

Zur Rasur:
Die Einweichwirkung, Gleitwirkung und Schutzwirkung waren einwandfrei,
bei für mich sehr gut funktionierenden Hobeln und Klingen wie auch bei
schwierigen (z.B. Merkur Klinge). Beide RS sind da Klasse und auch auf
absoluter Höhe einschlägig Bekannten RS/RC.

Als Referenz war hier die RC Omega Crema im Einsatz.
Auch Überraschendes fand sich. Sehr, sehr viel Schaum genommen brachte
im Gesicht eine besondere Schwere. Sehr angenehm und kenne ich von anderen
Seifen so jedenfalls nicht. Da machte sich die Stabilität des Schaum bemerkbar

Beide Seifen funktionieren prima mit weniger Schaum und auch mit viel

Eine Pflegewirkung nach der Rasur ist eher nicht vorhanden,
recht schnell spannt es etwas. AS oder ASB ist daher angebracht.
Austrocknend fand ich die Seife nicht.

Eine Pflegewirkung muss nicht unbedingt in einer RS/RC sein dafür
gibt es ja bekanntlich genug feine AS und ASB.

Beide Seifen ueberzeugen, nur die Beduftung war bei beiden Proben
nicht so meins.
- with -

Now my test report on the HC&C - Gunslinger & Cosmic

About the foam:
I have to correct my statement with the "foam doesn't come up with too much water"
somewhat correct. It can happen, but it doesn't have to; that with too much water
and, above all, too little soap can cause difficulties in creating the foam.

It is helpful to lather the RS with a little less water at the beginning of the lathering process.
the foam comes up really well. Once the foam is there, nothing
and remains perfectly stable for a long time.
Whether the lather is less moist or really moist, it gives the shave a very good
shave a very good basis and very creamy, quite pleasant.

Gunslinger - Guns sl. & Cosmic

About the fragrance:
The Gunslinger scent is very strong and lingers,
is too strong and above all too long-lasting for me, and it also harmonized
little with fragrances from AS Balsamen. I then left the sample open to air
then came out with individual components that I cannot describe in detail.
describe in detail. The fragrance became pleasant and was no longer
long-lasting and harmonized with ASB Sebamed.

The Cosmic is more subtle and not so clinging, but a little airing out
did it good too. Components such as sweetness and woody notes emerged. For
this fragrance was quite good for me.

Note: My sense of smell is not the best and I prefer individual fragrances
than many together. The fragrance can be strong, but should evaporate.

For shaving:
The soaking effect, gliding effect and protective effect were flawless,
with planes and blades that worked very well for me as well as with
difficult ones (e.g. Merkur blade). Both RS are great and also at
absolute height of relevantly known RS/RC.

The RC Omega Crema was used here as a reference.
There were also some surprises. A very, very large amount of foam brought
a special heaviness on the face. Very pleasant and I don't know it from other
soaps like this. The stability of the foam was noticeable

Both soaps work great with less lather and also with a lot of lather.

Conditioning effect:
There is no conditioning effect after shaving,
it tightens a little quite quickly. AS or ASB is therefore recommended.
I did not find the soap drying.

A conditioning effect does not necessarily have to be in an RS/RC for that
there are enough fine AS and ASB.

Both soaps are convincing, only the fragrance was not my cup of tea with both samples.
Das Equickment im Wechsel

M1 Ruby Water, 24er Uomo Synth. Nightdiver
Shavemac 24er, Synth.
ein neuer Shavemac 24, G5C Symthetics

Probenteilung: Hendrix Classics & Co; Gunslinger, die Cosmic

Bowl with Brush Rest - 3D by rogerquin
& Gesichtsschäumung

Rockwell 2c, (Pl. 3) mit Gillette 7 o'clock Super Pl.
34c mit Merkur Super
RazoRock Game Changer .84 Plate mit Gillette 7 o'clock Super Pl.

AS: Speik, Weleda
ASB: Sebamed
Happy New Year to All!!!

Please accept my apologies for being absent. We are growing very quickly and I have more priorities than I can address. This group is important to me. @Bavaria Blade contacted me about soaps for the next sample distribution. This will be addressed soon.

I have an order from Anel at Anticatura. I need to add the Christmas drawing items to the order and will be able to ship.

I see that I have quite a few emails that I haven't answered. I'll be getting to those soon.

Thank you very much!!!!

- Pete
Hello All!!,

You may have noticed that I haven’t posted for some time. Here is why you haven’t heard from me. 2023 was a very tough year for most companies in our space. We were hit with the double whammy of the pandemic ending, thus having much more competition for discretionary income. At the same time, we were hit with crazy inflation, especially with gasoline and groceries. Shave soap isn’t as big of a priority when money is tight and you already have 20-30 shave soaps.

I have been working long, long hours. I’ve been thinking, learning, partnering and getting help from others. The impact has been that we grew revenue and profitability in 2023 over 2022. I don’t want to send the message that profit and growth are most important to me. As well, revenue and profit have to grow for us to stay in business - we lost quite a few in 2023.

My biggest thanks go to customers that have supported us. As well, big, big thanks to Rich Hansen of Rich Man Shaving. His ideas, artwork and fragrance selection have been critical gaining new customers and impressing old ones. Also, big shout out to Dave and Igor, both of whom have specific expertise that has allowed me to learn some really important things.

Here’s what to expect from us in 2024:

1. Great artwork and fragrances
2. Refining our Affordable Luxury focus - better presentation when you open the box, fewer metallic label bubbles, better sprayers on EDP bottles, etc…
3. Brushes - great pricing on the best synthetic knots in cool looking Chinese handles.
4. A new base. I don’t think we need a new base. This existing one is really good. There are also folks that believe that only tallow based soap can be the best and that dense creamy lather performs better. While I disagree with this, I also wish to respect what customers want. Especially in overseas markets, where customers don’t know us as well. The existing base won’t go away. I don’t want to do every soap in two bases. Customers will decide which one gets the most play.
5. A more artistic version of our shave bowl.
6. Scent Your Own version 2.0
7. Improvements to the website to enhance your experience.

Title: The Whispering Winds
Chapter 1: The Awakening
In the heart of ancient China, nestled within the mist-shrouded mountains of the east, lay a small, tranquil village. This village had a secret, a legend passed down through generations - the legend of Longwei, the Chinese dragon. Longwei, with his scales shimmering in hues of jade and gold, had slumbered for centuries beneath the nearby sacred lake.
As the story went, Longwei was not a fearsome beast but a wise and benevolent guardian. Unlike the Western notion of dragons as hoarders of treasure and bringers of destruction, Longwei was revered as a symbol of power, prosperity, and good fortune.
One day, as the village faced a devastating drought, an elder, Mei, recalled the ancient tales of Longwei. Believing that the dragon could bring rain to their parched lands, she embarked on a journey to awaken the slumbering guardian.

Biumo Tattoo Club Arrives in upcoming shipment to Anel
Biumo Tattoo Club, which is run by Frankie V, is in Varese, Italy. This soap is a homage to his expertise and artistry. This soap is the first of a series that will honor various tattoo artists around the world. A man named Jerry founded Shave Dad, a very popular shaving group on Facebook. He is a tattoo artist since the 1980's. Jerry is choosing artists that will be honored with a soap. I'm very appreciative that I was given the opportunity to do this first soap. The metallic label stock combines the artwork to look really, really good.

The fragrance is inspired by Emporio Armani's He.

Title: The Whispering Winds
Chapter 1: The Awakening
In the heart of ancient China, nestled within the mist-shrouded mountains of the east, lay a small, tranquil village. This village had a secret, a legend passed down through generations - the legend of Longwei, the Chinese dragon. Longwei, with his scales shimmering in hues of jade and gold, had slumbered for centuries beneath the nearby sacred lake.
As the story went, Longwei was not a fearsome beast but a wise and benevolent guardian. Unlike the Western notion of dragons as hoarders of treasure and bringers of destruction, Longwei was revered as a symbol of power, prosperity, and good fortune.
One day, as the village faced a devastating drought, an elder, Mei, recalled the ancient tales of Longwei. Believing that the dragon could bring rain to their parched lands, she embarked on a journey to awaken the slumbering guardian.


Chapter 2: The Journey of Mei

Mei's journey was not just a physical one, but a spiritual odyssey. She trekked through dense forests and scaled steep cliffs, her path guided by the wisdom of her ancestors. Along her way, she encountered various creatures of the land, each imparting lessons of courage, resilience, and respect for nature.

As she neared the sacred lake, the air grew thick with mist, and a sense of ancient magic permeated the surroundings. The lake, a mirror to the sky, was eerily calm. Mei, with a heart full of hope and reverence, performed the ritual of awakening, chanting ancient verses and offering jasmine flowers to the lake.
Hallo Pete. It's been two weeks. Is there a new status for this?
@Bavaria Blade and @Christian Ortlepp, we need to make two soaps, Year of the Dragon and Mjïlnir so they can be included. They would have been made yesterday, but we received ice and snow. We don't get this often and it has stalled ingredients delivery. This will all clear up early next week and we'll get everything made and shipped.
Da demnächst die Verteilungstiegel bei mir eintreffen, wollte ich noch mal darauf aufmerksam machen. Es sind noch 18 vereinzelte Proben frei zur Vergabe. Allerdings nicht mehr das komplette 9er Set. Einfach mal schauen, ob etwas interessantes dabei ist.
Dann in der 6er Liste oder der 3er Liste eintragen. Neue Probenfreunde sollten nicht vergessen, mir gleich ihre Adresse per PN mitzuteilen. Danke!
Yes, the shipment is packed and ready to go. Just waiting on a shipping label. Bonus: I included tubs of our next two launches for pass around. Mjölnir and Year of the Dragon. Mjölnir is inspired by Oud for Greatness by Initio and YoD is inspired by Stronger With You Leather by Emporio Armani.
Hi Pete!

Great to read so, by the way is the wednesday announced "Biumo Tattoo Club" still included too?

I am excited to test the Mjölnir and I am interested how the final Logo looks like @Bavaria Blade mach bitte nach Erhalt ein Foto von der Dose.

Have a nice weekend all, I have to recover my eye - todays injection is just 5 hours ago.


Nach meinen letzten Informationen, ist das Paket mit den zu verteilenden Rasierseifen am Montag auf die Reise gegangen. Also von Pete zu Anel. Ich rechne mit dem dortigen Eintreffen Mitte nächster Woche. Bis Anel umgepackt und versendet hat, kommt "unser" Päckchen frühestens Ende nächster Woche bei mir an. Realistisch gesehen wird es wohl eher Mitte Februar werden. Warten wir mal, was die Lieferdienste so drauf haben.
Da es demnächst passieren kann, daß Seifentiegel bei mir eintreffen,
Entschuldigt bitte meinen damaligen Optimismus.

Es gibt gute Nachrichten. Pete hat mir mitgeteilt, daß "unser" Paket auf dem Weg zu Anel ist. Die Artikel der Weihnachtsverlosung wurden nicht erwähnt.
Um die weiter Wartezeit zu überbrücken, habe ich für Euch mal den zeitlichen Ablauf zusammengefasst.

24.12.23 -PN-------HC&C -Anfrage von Pete, ob ich 3-4 Seifen unserer Wahl als Proben verteilen würde
30.12.23 -PN -------BB -----Mitteilung über die 4 Duftrichtungen, über die wir abgestimmt haben.
10.01.24 -Forum -HC&C --Pete bittet um Entschuldigung der verspäteten Bearbeitung wegen zu hoher Arbeitsbelastung.
10.01.24 -PN ------HC&C --Hinweis darüber, daß die Seifentiegel demnächst versendet werden
19.01.24 -Forum -BB ------Anfrage an Pete, über Status der Probentiegel
19.01.24 -Forum -HC&C --Verzögerung durch fehlende Zutaten zur Seifenherstellung. Wir bekommen 3 weitere neue Seifen (insges. 7 verschiedene)
24.01.24 -Forum -HC&C --Unser Paket wird gerade gepackt und geht demnächst zu Anel.
26.01.24 -Forum -HC&C --Unser Paket ist fertig verpackt und wartet nur noch auf das Versandetikett.
15.02.24 -PN ------HC&C --Hinweis, daß die 7 Seifentiegel gerade an Anel versendet werden.

Es war schon immer so, wenn einem Großzügigkeit zuteil wird, dann spielt Zeit kein Rolle. Also warte ich gerne noch etwas auf das Paket.
Frage an Besitzer der Metallschüssel: Ist der Boden komplett flach, oder wackelt sie wenn sie auf einer ebenen Fläche steht?