Forum der Rasur

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Dadurch bekommst Du Zugang zu dem geschützten Mitgliederbereich, kannst beim Gebrauchtmarkt mitmachen und stellst nebenbei auch noch sicher, dass niemand Dir Deinen Wunsch-Usernamen wegschnappt.

NEWS Neueste Meldungen aus der Rasurwelt

In meinen umliegenden Städten wechseln meist die Betreiber der Barbershops. Einen Zuwachs konnte ich noch nicht feststellen. Aber durch ständig neue Namen, kann man zu diesem Eindruck kommen.
@Bavaria Blade

Die sehen absolut nicht ein hier Steuern zu Zahlen , deswegen wechselt ständig der Geschäftsführer . Bleibt allerdings immer im Familien oder Freundeskreis .
Gestern eine Mail von den Goodfellas erhalten, vl für einige interessant, geht um Fälschungen bzw. Nachahmungen von TGS Produkten:

Recently, news has been circulating online that one of the flagship products of The Goodfellas’ smile brand is available for purchase on one (or more) Asian stores at a significantly lower price than usual.
Barbieri Uniti has never supplied any of these stores and has no commercial interest in doing so.
Therefore, we are actively cooperating with these stores to identify and remove counterfeit products from the market.
The Goodfellas’ smile brand is produced and distributed by Barbieri Uniti Srl, which also owns the e-commerce platform
Syntesi is the name of the razor in question, and it is a product entirely designed and manufactured in Italy by our exclusive mechanical workshop partner, Minuterie Metalliche Rocchetti.
At this time, we do not yet have a clear picture of how many counterfeit pieces are in circulation, but we strongly advise our customers to purchase only from official retailers of The Goodfellas’ smile brand and to avoid buying second-hand products.
We understand that identifying all online and physical stores selling official The Goodfellas’ smile products may be challenging.
For this reason, we are providing our official retailers with The Goodfellas’ smile logo to display on their websites.
Similarly, we are producing physical in-store display materials to supply to all our official brick-and-mortar retailers.
Lastly, for any doubts or clarifications, we have set up a dedicated email:
Thank you for your attention.
Nicola Donghi
Barbieri Uniti Srl