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Merkur Progress Tuning

Heute gab es mal wieder eine kleine Bastelei in meiner Werkstatt.
Ein Forianer hat mich angeschrieben und gefragt, ob ich ihm einen Gnubbel für den Progress bauen kann.
Das gute Stück ist aus Bronze entstanden und bildet, wie ich finde, durch den rosé-goldenen Ton der Bronze einen wunderschönen Abschluss.
Zahlenring und Feder werden vom Original-Gnubbel umgebaut.







Hello. Ihad a Megress from a long time ago. But I need some help
...1. The metal knob has now come off and I don't know what to do to put it together
.2. I see others have got digress or Stegress...I found my 500/Megress too short. Are they current options for an alternative?
Hi, and welcome
Basically all the Mergress/Digress/Stegress do is replace the white bakelite knob with a metal one, be it bronze, stainless steel, or whatever.
Now, the Progress knows two variants: short handle and long handle. So you can either get a long handle Progress (the 510c), or get a Mergress/Digress/whatevergress based on the 510.

Don't know how the Mergress knob is attached, can't help you there.
Thanks efsk. Ive tried on this forum to see if anyone is selling the Mergress/Opgress/Digress/Stegress, but have not found anyone. If anyone knows where I can find one, please let me know.
@ekso Shave Nation offers a knob to buy and install yourself or get it already installed on a new Progress. They offer different finishes and even some parts.

Maybe you can repair it yourself. Firstly I would look at the ring that holds the knob in the handle. You can get a new one at Merkur or Shane Nation. There should be some videos on YouTube about it.
@ekso Shave Nation offers a knob to buy and install yourself or get it already installed on a new Progress. They offer different finishes and even some parts.

Maybe you can repair it yourself. Firstly I would look at the ring that holds the knob in the handle. You can get a new one at Merkur or Shane Nation. There should be some videos on YouTube about it.
That's a fantastic link. They have some spares....I will get them. really thank you for the quick response and help.